Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Reflection on Lions for Lambs, Part 2

While watching part of the movie again, I began to understand the true meaning of the quote "Professors are not teachers; they are salesmen." The next line in the movie is "We [teachers] sell you [students] to you." When I heard that line, the quote made complete sense. (As you can see from my previous post, last week I was confused on the meaning of the quote.) As teachers, we need to sell the students their abilities and talents. We need to hold the mirror up for them so they can see who they truly are and what they can achieve.

I also like the quote "The best way to change things is to fight for it." Nothing will be accomplished by just complaining and not acting. This applies to working in a school. Some of the school policies may not be up to par, or may be unfair. I have heard teachers complain about school policies while they eat lunch in the break room. That is not going to change things. They need to speak out and "fight" to get the change they desire. I will remember this when I become a teacher.

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