Thursday, December 11, 2008

Reflection on the semester

Well, this semester is nearly over. Only one day of classes left and one week of finals. This semester flew by very quickly, and I can't believe how much I have learned in just a few short months.

Educational Psychology is the first "real" teaching class I have had. (Intro. to Music Education didn't really teach us about teaching.) I found this class to be very interesting and inspiring. As I read the chapters of our textbook, I found myself circling and underlining things that I could apply when I am a teacher. Instead of memorizing who wrote what theory and the individual parts of that theory, I asked myself "How can I use this information in my classroom?" This was just my natural reaction to the class. Because I naturally thought like a teacher, I hope that that was a sign that I am meant to be a teacher. There are days when I doubt my choice, just as most people do, but in the end, I think that I will be very happy as a teacher.

Before taking this class, I was very nervous for my first year of teaching. Now, I know that my first year will be hard (as evident from the textbook and the movie "Chalk"), but I feel more prepared for it and ready to meet the challenge. I know that my first year of teaching will probably be my worst, but as I gain experience and confidence, my years of teaching will just become better and better.

I am just itching to get out into the classrooms and apply what I have learned thus far. This summer, I will be able to apply my new knowledge at the child care center where I work. That will be a good start. I'll keep you posted.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Reflection on i-Movies

I have been very busy this week with Christmas at Luther, so unfortunately this blog will be short in the interest of time.

On Monday night we watched i-Movies of book presentations. I enjoyed watching the movies, because I was able to learn about the books by watching the movies. Reading is a favorite hobby of mine, so I was disappointed when I did not have enough time to read more books from our book list this semester. Watching the i-Movies about the books helped me narrow down which books I will read this summer. The "Freedom Writers Diary" i-Movie looked great, but as I don't plan on teaching in an inner-city school, I will probably not read that book. "Last Child in the Woods" looked very interesting. I love nature and being outside (I could never live in town - I have to live in the country), so after watching an i-Movie about the book, I think that I will read that book over the summer.

I think that the i-Movie project is a good project to require. I had never used i-Movie before, so I learned a great deal about that. The project also forced us to really dive into our book, "Teacher Man." I don't think that our discussions about the book would have gone that in depth or had so much meaning if the i-Movie hadn't been assigned and we were instead just assigned to read the book and discuss it with our group. The project also taught me that I can't depend on technology (like youtube) or sometimes, people.

On a side note, watch "Christmas at Luther" on TPT/PBS December 22nd at 9pm. (That is when most stations are showing the concert. Check TPT's website or your local paper to find out when it is showing by you!)