Friday, December 5, 2008

Reflection on i-Movies

I have been very busy this week with Christmas at Luther, so unfortunately this blog will be short in the interest of time.

On Monday night we watched i-Movies of book presentations. I enjoyed watching the movies, because I was able to learn about the books by watching the movies. Reading is a favorite hobby of mine, so I was disappointed when I did not have enough time to read more books from our book list this semester. Watching the i-Movies about the books helped me narrow down which books I will read this summer. The "Freedom Writers Diary" i-Movie looked great, but as I don't plan on teaching in an inner-city school, I will probably not read that book. "Last Child in the Woods" looked very interesting. I love nature and being outside (I could never live in town - I have to live in the country), so after watching an i-Movie about the book, I think that I will read that book over the summer.

I think that the i-Movie project is a good project to require. I had never used i-Movie before, so I learned a great deal about that. The project also forced us to really dive into our book, "Teacher Man." I don't think that our discussions about the book would have gone that in depth or had so much meaning if the i-Movie hadn't been assigned and we were instead just assigned to read the book and discuss it with our group. The project also taught me that I can't depend on technology (like youtube) or sometimes, people.

On a side note, watch "Christmas at Luther" on TPT/PBS December 22nd at 9pm. (That is when most stations are showing the concert. Check TPT's website or your local paper to find out when it is showing by you!)

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